Friday 12 January 2018

Enif [epPeg], amazing ability to understand people

Enif [Epsilon Pegasi, epPeg, ε Peg] is the brightest star in the constellation Pegasus (The Winged Horse), with a visual magnitude of +2.38.

The name Enif derives from the Arabic word al-anf, "the nose", for its position within the constellation in which the snout of the winged horse is located.

The star Enif is an orange supergiant of spectral type K2Ib in the final stages of its stellar evolution, in which it will explode as a supernova or become a white dwarf of the rare neon-oxygen type. It is located at a distance of approximately 670 light years. Its brightness is equivalent to 6700 times the Sun and its radius is approximately 150 times larger than the solar radius. It has been observed that this star increases in brightness in a short period of time, it can be due to gigant eruptions or flares. It has a radial velocity of 21.6 km/s, relatively high.

Photometric observations were made in June 1987 and February 2012.

It is located in the longitude 331.6º (1º33' Pisces, trecile@27º42', orb 0º45 ', (bi) quinvigintile@28º48', orb 0º21 '), and latitude 22.1º (22º 6' Aries, semioctile 22º30 ', orb 0º24').

And in the right ascension 325.7º (25º45' 11th House; (bi) unvigintil @ 34º17', orb 0º02 '; (tri) semioctile@49º 5', orb 0º02 ', golden aspect 34º23', orb 0º08 ') and declination 9.8º (9º46' 1st House, cuartinovile@10º, orb 0º14').

"The Next Three Days" (2010) [1]

The quality of the star Enif reminds the planet Neptune. It is related with an amazing ability to understand people in situations and circumstances that would be almost impossible for most people (longitude at the cusp of the sign Pisces).

"The Next Three Days" (2010) [2]

Russell Crowe, actor of the movie "The Next Three Days" (2010), has Enif in Pisces (5th Moon-Node House) in conjunction with Saturn, which is in square with Venus in Gemini (2nd Moon-Node House).