Monday 10 September 2018

Lesath [upSco], amazing ability to defend against attacks or revenge that tries to take advantage of karmic vulnerabilities

Lesath [Upsilon Scorpii, upSco, υ Sco] is the 7th brightest star in the constellation Scorpius (the Scorpion), with a visual magnitude of +2,70. It is located at a distance of 580 light years from the solar system.

The traditional name 'Lesath' comes from the Arabic 'Al Las'ah', which means 'sting', or also, 'bite of a poisonous
animal or insect'. In China it was known as 尾 宿 九 (Wěi Xiù jiǔ), which means 'the ninth star in the tail'.

Lesath is a blue-white subgigant star of spectral type B2 IV, with a surface temperature of 22800 K. It has a rotation speed of {} km/s.

Photometric observations were carried out in November 1979.

Position in relation to the ecliptic:

  • Longitude: 264.3º (24º17' Sagittarius; (heptadeca)octaoctile@95º37', 0º06' orb; (quadra)quincile 96º, 0º17' orb)
  • Latitude: -14.0º (15º59' Pisces; quinvigintile@14º24', 0º23' orb; semitrecil@13º51', 0º10' orb).

Position in relation to the celestial equator:

  • Right ascension: 262.7º (22º41' 9th House)
  • Declination: -37.3º (22º42' 11th House)

Jason, character from the horror movie "Friday the 13th" (1980). As a child he almost drowned in Crystal Lake, due to his disability and because the camp monitors neglected his surveillance responsibilities to practice sex between them. As a major he attacks the people of the camp he crosses.

Lesath is a star that reminds the planets Mars and Saturn, and also the Kuiper belt. The symbolic image 'sting' and 'bite of a poisonous animal or insect' refers to the ability to cause physical or psychological injury.

Lesath is related with attacks or revenge, which are shocking because they exploit karmic vulnerabilities.

"The Social Network" (2010)

However, Lesath is also related with an amazing ability to defend against this type of attacks or revenge, especially when there is no karmic vulnerability, like for example, with the fourth plane of 9/11 that was heading towards United States Capitol and that did not achieve its objective, because crew and passengers confronted the terrorists and managed to reduce them.

Justin Timberlake, actor of the movie "The Social Network" (2010) and "Friends With Benefits" (2011), has Lesath in Sagittarius (8th Moon-Node House) in conjunction with Neptune-Moon; and in sextile with Pluto, which is in conjunction with the Black Moon, in square with Venus in Capricorn (7th Moon-Node House), and in trine with Mars in Aquarius (6th Moon-Node House).