Monday 22 October 2018

Thuban [alDra], spider sense (Spiderman)

Thuban [Alfa Draconis, alDra, α Dra] is the 7th brightest star in the constellation Draco (the Dragon), with a visual magnitude of +3,67. It is located at a distance of 303 light years from the solar system.

The traditional name 'Thuban' derives from the Arabic word ثعبان 'thu'bān', meaning 'dragon or large snake'.

Thuban is a white bright gigant star of spectral type AO III, with a surface temperature of 10100 K.

It is a system formed by 2 components.

Photometric observations were carried out in the years
2004, 2009 and 2016.

Position in relation to the ecliptic:

  • Longitude: 157.1º ( 7º 8' Virgo; (deca)trevigintile@156º31', 0º37' orb; (hepta)semioctile 157º30', 0º22' orb)
  • Latitude:  66.4º ( 6º22' Gemini).

Position in relation to the celestial equator:

  • Right ascension: 210.9º ( 0º56' 8th House; quincuncio 150º [=trine 120º > 0º Cancer/Pisces], 0º56' orb)
  • Declination:  64.5º ( 4º29' 3rd House)

Thuban is a star that reminds the planets Uranus and Pluto. The symbolic image 'dragon or large snake' refers to a great capacity for acceleration when moving from an immobile position.

Thuban is related with an amazing ability to perform, at unexpected moments, very fast actions and movements in an instinctive way, which just after are verified to be very successful.

Stan Lee, creator of the character of Spiderman, has Thuban in Virgo (1st Moon-Node House) in trine with the Sun in Capricorn (9th Moon-Node House).

Penelope Cruz, actress of the movie "Murder on the Orient Express" (2017), has Thuban in Virgo (4th Moon-Node Huose) in trine with the Sun in Taurus (8th Moon-Node House).