Size comparison between Arcturus and the Sun
It has a declination of +19º and it is located at 23º degrees of Libra (+30º of celestial latitude).
Arcturus is the way in/out to our Solar System. According to Edgar Cayce, Arcturus gives the spiritual and mental strenght to help the soul develop. The entities that have been in Arcturus have something specially powerful, because the strenght fields in Arcturus are so magnified in the power of will and the conquest of oneself (of the Sun of our Solar System).
Son Goku, character of the manga-anime "Dragon Ball" (1986) and "Dragon Ball Z" (1989), is one of the most significant examples of the will, selfconfidence and emotional stability of Arcturus.
Akira Toriyama, author of the manga "Dragon Ball" and "Dragon Ball Z", has Arcturus in Libra in square Uranus in Cancer. Arcturus makes a golden aspect (68.75º) to the Crossing Point of the Age Progressions (Basis Horoscope / Moon Node Horoscope) in Leo.